While I was playing Road of the Dead 2 I accidentally click right click and accidentally click "Deny" on "Allow uploads.ungrounded.net to store information on your computer" and all of my save data from my previous game is all gone and even the other games that I've played the save data is all gone and reset. Can someone please help me and try to Click on "Allow" on the Local Storage page and fix this Issue? I try clicking "Allow" but It didn't work, If you managed to click the "Allow' On the Local Storage or you did the same thing as I did and press allow and it worked Please tell me how you do It (Actually I didn't need to click allow because the NG Player auto saves it). And also Please tell me how to fix this Newgrounds Player Save Data Issue and get back all my Saved Data.
So I've learned that It reset all of my previous Saved Data from any previous Newgrounds Player game that I've played after the incident (Don't worry It didn't lose my save progress in any game in the future after the incident)
I really have an Unlucky Day...